

On the evening of 9th October, in witness of Ms. Sanni Ahn-laasonen, the Minister of Education and Culture of Finland and Mr.Syrjälän, the Ambassador of Finland to China, a Memorandum of Cooperation regarding establishing Sino-Finnish Institute was signed by Prof. Sun Yukun, the president of Nanjing Institute of Technology (NJIT) and Mr. Jouko Niinimaki, the president of University of Oulu in Finnish Ambassador's Residence in Beijing.

As one of the return visits for President Xi Jinping's visit to Finland in April, the Finnish Minister of Education and Culture led a large educational and cultural delegation to China and signed cooperation agreements with a number of Chinese Institutions and Universities. The cooperation program between NJIT and Oulu University is one of the most important programswhich is of great practical significance.

The program plans to establish a Sino-Finnish Institute in a few years, including education cooperation on undergraduate and graduate level in majors such as Software Engineering, Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Information Systemsetc.

This is a historic leap in NJIT’s International cooperation and exchange. Under the framework of the Sino-Finnish Institute, NJIT will exchange and cooperate with Oulu University in teaching, research, faculty, student exchange and other aspects. This will further enhance its international influence, expand cooperation areas between NJIT and Finland Oulu University. It provides a new direction and impetus for the further internationalization of NJIT.

The two sides further exchanged views on cooperation. Vice President Prof. Shi Jinfei,  and the Head of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, were also invited by the Government of Finland to attend the Signing Ceremony.

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